
Fashionosophy: The Other's clothes

Syazwina Saw returns with another edition of Fashionosphy.

Some of you may have read my previous article, and perhaps are well aware of my extreme dislike of leggings. Of course, though there were few dissenting voices in the comment pages, there are people who disagree. To paraphrase a dear friend and violent critic, I was wrong to think that people dressed without thought.

This is what I don't understand by Malingering

‘People actually do think when they dress,’ she argued. Fashion did not rely on what the wearer was thinking when he/she bought said piece of clothing, but instead what value they placed on it once they put it on their selves.

A pair of leggings may look perfect on a model on a runway, but those characteristics the leggings embody are values that the designer and the model placed on it. The value they placed on it is what we – the common people who drool over the runway stills – call ‘fashion’.

Problem is, we expect those same attributes to magically transform us once we put them on. We copy these styles and trends in hopes that they will make us attractive, and pretty, and confident, whereas it actually works the other way around. Fashion as self-expression then gives way to clothes being expected to express who we are.

It’s the same in the way we treat our traditional clothes. We’ve projected on our baju kurungs, baju melayu, sarees, dhotis, cheongsams and samfoos the same values that foreigners see in them: as exotic, formal clothing, only meant for special events and for that token expression of national/cultural pride. It’s as though we’re viewing these symbols of our culture as ‘the Other’ – as though they don’t belong to us, and that we merely borrow them.

So who do we blame for this internal westernisation that’s happened to our generation? The media? MTV? Project Runaway? Tim Gunn, the style guru in Runway? (No, not Tim Gunn! He’s so awe-tastic!)

It’s a sad side effect of globalization, unfortunately. It’s prevalent worldwide, as the world comes closer and closer together, and power politics come into play and dictate what we see as ‘normal’ and ‘everyday’.

simplicity cheongsam 1447 by carbonated
What we can do is to downplay this alienation of our culture. We can stop viewing our traditions only via National Geographic documentaries and our fashion only through Zang Toi’s reinterpretations. Let’s start wearing our clothes like they are ours – own them, and not just on special occasions. Yes, even in a foreign land like Melbourne. In fact, Melbourne with it’s eclectic fashion sense will even embrace your culture and it’s traditional dress. I’ve found there’s no other place where wearing the baju kurung has felt more natural.

This business of wearing ‘traditional wear’ to class and to work may seem passé to your fellow countrymen, but stuff them.  Fashion is about our values, on our selves.


Sound engineer needed for Muzika

A message from our friends at Muzika Musim Luruh:

Muzika Musim Luruh, is a charity gig to be held on 7 April 2010 in Melbourne.

We urgently need a sound engineer to be in charge of mixing and other related activities on event day.



Asam blog is taking a short break while your team of crack writers relax. recuperate and rejuvenate.

Normal programming will resume in two weeks time.

Any messages of love, concern or marriage proposals can be sent to Asam dot melbourne at gmail dot com.

See you soon!


Mat Jenin di Rod Laver Arena

Ini kisah seorang Mat Jenin yang tiada pernah berhenti untuk berangan-angan, bermimpi. Orang kata dia ini hampir gila. Masakan tidak, untuk mengeluarkan sejumlah wang yang besar hanya untuk menatap dua insan memukul balas sebiji bola kuning di tengah arena biru, bagi kebanyakan tiada langsung tampak berbaloi.

Namun Mat Jenin ini tidak sedikit mengambil pusing. "Apa aku kisah, bukan aku guna duit engkau." Jawab Mat Jenin ini.

Suatu hari, datang dua orang insan dari teluk Altona. Seorang tampak sibuk, bekerjaya. Tugas menghantar watikah menjadi sumber pendapatannya. Dan yang lagi seorang sibuk mengelola pelbagai persatuan. Orang kata beliau sangat berpengaruh di negeri ini. Berkatalah salah seorang dari mereka.

"Hai Jenin, kau tak mahu segak berbaju Melayu di kalangan lautan manusia hari itu nanti"

"Gila apa, aku masih waras lagi"

"Ini bukan kerja gila hai Jenin. Maharaja Najib telah pun sibuk mewarwarkan projek 1malaysia malah Maharaja sebelum ini selalu menggunakan slogan Malaysia Boleh, apa kamu tak mahu menyahut seruan maharaja?"

"Ini peluang hai Jenin untuk kamu dikenali di pentas dunia, silap hari bulan namamu akan mahsyur di pentas dunia"

Mat Jenin pulang berfikir dalam akan cadangan itu dan akhirnya nekad untuk berbaju Melayu di temasya itu.
Berangkat lah Si Jenin ke gelanggang beradu Rod Laver Arena sambil segak berbaju melayu. Namun songkok tiadalah dapat dia temui malah kalau ikutkan hati mahu sahaja dia ke Melaka menempa Keris untuk di bawa bersama


"Tanah Malaysia?"

"Ia pak"

"Ada apa gerangan berpakaian segak? Ada keraian?"

"Tiada keraian cuma mahu berbangga dengan baju ini di negara orang", malu Si Jenin yang sebenarnya beliau mahu namanya dikenali, mahu masyhur.

Petarungan antara Gladiator Federer dan Gladiator Murray berlangsung dengan gah. Pembukaan diserikan dengan alunan musik oleh kugiran Jersey Boys amat meruntun jiwa. Setiap lontaran suara memukau hadirin hanyut dalam khayalan.

Ada bisik-bisik mengatakan si jaguh Federer akan tewas kepada anak muda Murray, namun pengalaman mengatasi segalanya. Gladiator Federer mudah mengetepikan Gladiator Murray walaupun di akhir set Murray agak degil untuk dijinakkan.

Penonton bersorak puas. Si Jenin takjub dengan disiplin penonton yang senyap bilamana permainan berlangsung. Kalau ada pun yang bersuara ketika permainan berlangsung akan diherdik sehingga dia tiada berani bersuara. Ini yang anak Malaysia perlukan menurut hemat Si Jenin, disiplin.

Gembiralah Gladiator Faderer membawa pulang kemenangan ke-16 di arena Grand Slam. Tepukan gemuruh penonton memenuhi setiap ruang arena.
Si Jenin puas dengan setiap acara yang berlangsung dan sedar bahawa banyak yang perlu orang kampung halamannya belajar untuk menjadi terbaik dan dikenali di pentas dunia. Tiada jalan mudah.

Si Jenin menyangkakan dengan berpakaian Baju Melayu namanya akan masyhur namun ternyata jangkaannya meleset. Namun dia tidak pernah berhenti. Di samping untuk meningkatkan kualiti diri dia berjanji akan menjajah disetiap kejohanan dengan berbaju Melayu dan selepas ini bersongkok lengkap. Pengembaraan Mat Jenin baru sahaja bermula....

"Hai Ali Baba, Wimbeldon kamu berbaju melayu lah!"

"Challenge accepted", dengat loghat British si Ali Baba.


Voting for the ASAM Calendar starts now!

Calendar 101  

Calendar 102

Calendar 103

The voting will end on 8th February 2010